Converts a PFX formatted certificate into PEM format
I will provide a tool called PX-to-PEM that converts PFX formatted certificates into PEM format. The tool features a simple and user-friendly GUI.
By Tools 12267 views
August 7, 2024Use PowerShell to request a public certificate from AWS Certificate Manager
In this blog, I will demonstrate how to request a public certificate from AWS Certificate Manager using PowerShell, utilizing DNS validation for verification. Additionally, I will show how to request multiple certificates within the same profile and region, as well as how to request certificates from a list saved in a CSV file.
By AWS , Cloud , PowerShell 28540 views
August 1, 2024List all AWS Certificate Manager certificates
In this blog, I will share a script to list all AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificates across all profiles and regions. This script will include details such as the certificate domain, type, expiration date, and associated resources (InUseBy). You can choose to display the results, export them to a file, or both.
By AWS , Cloud , PowerShell 28637 views
July 31, 2024Get all AWS EBS snapshots across all profiles and regions
I will share a script to retrieve all AWS EBS snapshots across all profiles and regions, along with associated volume and EC2 information where available. You can choose to display the results, export them to a file, or both.
By AWS , Backup , Cloud , PowerShell 33027 views
June 26, 2024AWS IAM role is not listed in the IAM roles dropdown menu for EC2
In this blog, we will delve into a comprehensive solution to to resolve the issue of an AWS IAM role is not listed in the IAM roles dropdown menu for EC2.
By AWS , PowerShell 32722 views
June 25, 2024Get all AWS Backup recovery points grouped by resource name across all profiles and regions
In this blog I will share one way to get all AWS Backup recovery points grouped by resource name across all profiles and regions including backup vault name, resource name, resource type and recovery points count.
By AWS , PowerShell 34151 views
June 14, 2024Get all AWS EC2 instances across all profiles and regions
In this blog I will share one way to get all AWS EC2 instances across all profiles and regions including instance’s Id, name, state, private & public IPs and other instance information. I will show how to calculate the instance’s name and state (running, stopped, etc.) The result can be displayed or saved to a file.
By AWS , PowerShell 41943 views
November 27, 2023Get all AWS Backup protected resources across all profiles and regions
Would you like to know resources protected by AWS Backup?
In this blog, I will share one way to get all AWS Backup protected resources across all profiles and regions. Additionally, I will show how to query the backed-up EC2 state and the Backup tag.
By AWS , Backup , Cloud , PowerShell 40978 views
November 17, 2023Microsoft Teams – Fix “Sorry, we couldn’t connect you.” for multiple users’ profiles
In this blog I will share one way to fix Microsoft Teams “Sorry, we couldn’t connect you.” for multiple users’ profiles and in multiple workstations or virtual machines.
Windows – Get all installed patches, updates and hotfixes
In this blog I will share one way to get all installed patches, updates and hotfixes on a local or a remote Windows workstation or server.
By Azure , PowerShell , Windows 44235 views
October 25, 2023